Becoming a member

Membership to the network is available to any company active in the mining industry which can demonstrate a commitment to improving compliance standards and combat corrupt practices. Companies that may consider membership includes mining majors as well as original equipment manufacturers, service providers and EPC companies active in the mining industry.

Please contact the Compliance in Mining Network secretariat for more information about membership

For an enduring and successful collaboration, the CiMN has imposed nine principles that serve as a guideline for the network’s general conduct and the members: 

Establishment of an appropriate Compliance program“Tone from the Top”
Development & Dissemination of relevant policiesConduction of anti-corruption training
Assessment & Monitoring of risks with business partnersImplementation of reporting channels
Protection of corporate whistleblowersComprehensive communication of CiMN principles

9 principles


1. To establish and maintain a compliance program within their business appropriate to the size, scope and nature of their business


2. To have representatives of senior management and/or the Board of Directors support the anticorruption compliance program


3. To develop and disseminate policies such as a Code of Conduct within their organization. Policiesshould reflect the corruption risks facing their business


4. To conduct appropriate anti-corruption training within their organization


5. To assess and monitor risks associated with business relationships and work together with business partners to achieve higher compliance standards


6. To implement reliable and confidential reporting channels for compliance concerns such as a whistleblowing system


7. To protect corporate whistleblowers from retaliation and to encourage reporting of improper business practices


8. To communicate and emphasize the principles laid out herein to companies in their value chains


9. To abide by all relevant competition law during meetings and other types of CiMN engagement, as well as in their general conduct